New V2.47 OpSys

ILEC Australia


New V2.47 OpSys

By Dion Weston
Friday, July 03, 2020

A new version of the SN10 Operating System (V2.48) can be downloaded from the SN10 Support page on this site.

This article relates to the release of version 2.47 from June 20, 2020, which features the following key additions:

Notable features of version 2.47 (20-June-2020): ***********************
- Improved airspace warnings:
  - New: Option to suppress MOA display on map and MOA airspace warnings.
    May require rebuild of your NDB files with updated AIRPAR32.
    John Leibacher has rebuilt NDB's on WWTPX, thanks John!
  - Warns if your track is very close but parallel to airspace boundary
  - Nuisance warnings greatly reduced
  - Warnings now include time-til-airspace-boundary, for example:
           !! Airspace !! 
           !! Warning  !! 
          SALT LAKE CI    
           in :01:23    1.7sm
          Alt:10500 ft MSL
           to 12000 ft MSL
          ENTER for map...
- Better special character handling in point/airspace names (U-umlaut..)
- AirPar32: special characters in airspace names, treat TYPE=MATZ as MOA
- DBC32: Add -u option to check for airspaces with unknown type
- Demonstration program improvements:
  - In NDB airspace window, click on point to show enclosing airspaces
  - Add option to list all airspaces of unknown type (help debug your NDB)
  - Proper text scaling for high-DPI displays
- USB adapter firmware update (place ILECUSBA.HEX on stick, power on SN10)
  - better special character support and error checking
  - supports exFAT formatted sticks (except for loading new USB firmware)
  - Adds LFN support (but NDB names must be unique first 8-chars)
- Lynn Alley + John Leibacher linux/website NDB support (thanks guys!):
  - Linux64 versions of airparse and dbc
  - dbc now returns positive-valued error codes (formerly DOS negative)
- Bugfix: SN10 IGC-format log minor formatting error (broken in 2.46)
- Internal updates to support SN10C

More detail on previous operating system revisions can be found on the Software Revision Updates listing page.

A reminder also that a Windows PC demo application based on the new V2.48 OS can be downloaded here.

Dave has been issuing updates for the instrument roughly every year, sometimes twice a year, usually during the US soaring season. Details of the updating process can be found within the help section oaf this website.

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Site maintained by Dion Weston Associates, supporting legacy ILEC Sailplane Instruments in Australia & New Zealand.
Page updated: 19/07/2024